Gemcitabine Resistance Markers

Gemcitabine Resistance Markers
Marker Name Biological Role Evidence References
RRM1 ribonucleotide reductase, regulatory subunit M1 Enzyme synthesizes deoxyribonuceosides from ribonucleoside precursors High mRNA and protein levels associated with poor response and outcome in pancreatic, biliary, and NSCLC patients after gemcitabine-based therapy Gemcitabine Resistance: RRM1 References
RRM2 ribonucleotide reductase, regulatory subunit M2 Enzyme synthesizes deoxyribonuceosides from ribonucleoside precursors High mRNA expression correlated with poor outcome following gemcitabine treatment in pancreatic, NSCL, and ovarian cancer Gemcitabine Resistance: RRM2 References