
First Event in Clearity’s Personalized Medicine Series: Personalized Medicine Is Failing Patients
How can we make it work?

The Clearity Foundation’s Personalized Medicine Symposium Series will create a venue for productive discussion of the challenges and opportunities in bringing the promise of personalized medicine to reality. Our first panel will explore some of the commercial issues in bringing personalized medicine to patients. Please join us at the Pfizer conference center for an outstanding panel presentation, networking, discussion, drinks and appetizers.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
5:00 – 7:30pm

$50 registration
RSVP: Please email

Personalized Medicine Is Failing
How can we make it work?

Moderated by:
David Nelson, PhD, Epic Sciences

The unlikely success of Crizotinib: ALK targeting for lung cancer
Jamie Christensen, MD, Director of Translational Pharmacology, Pfizer

Personalized treatment from the patient’s perspective
Allen Fremont, MD, PhD, lung cancer survivor and Co-Director at California Comparative Effectiveness and Outcomes Improvement Center

Intellectual property challenges for personalized medicine
Lisa Haile, Partner, DLA Piper
